The Oaks Foot Clinic

Your feet never take a day off, so take care of them.

Welcome to

The Oaks Foot Clinic


Footcare that helps to keep your feet comfortable, and keeps you mobile for the years ahead.

Toni Manning (Dip. MFHP)
Medical Foot Health Practitioner

Qualified and Insured

the oaks foot clinic

Not just another Foot Clinic

The Oaks Foot Clinic

We also have Home Visits Available


Corns are generally at pressure points on our feet. They are small areas of hard skin (callus) made by our bodies to protect sensitive skin that is under re-occurring pressure or friction, they have a hard nucleus, which when pressed on, causes pain. Commonly there are three different types of corn; hard corn, soft corn, seed corn. Treatment involves removing the hard skin and enucleating the corn (removing the nucleus).

Hard Skin (Callus)

Callus is an area of hard/thickened skin that our body makes to protect our feet from repeated pressure or friction. They do not have a nucleus like a corn and usually appear yellow and rough to the touch. Callus tends to be localised (a small area), diffused (a large area) or fissured (cracked) Treatment involves removing the hard skin, usually with a blade and applying a moisturising treatment.


A verruca or wart is caused by a virus in the top layer of the skin. A wart tends to be rounded and raised and a verruca appears on the foot as a flattened shape, sometimes with visible clusters of blood vessels. The result of the virus in the skin causes us to make more keratin and in the case of the verruca, gives it a rough, cauliflower like appearance. Treatment would involve removing the hard skin around the verruca and applying a treatment and dressing to be removed later.

Fungal Nail

A fungal nail is a non-bacterial infection of the nail that causes it to become discoloured, crumbly and thickened. Treatment would involve reducing the nail back and applying a topical ointment.

Thickened Nails

Thickened nails can be caused by a fungal nail infection but also through a single major or repetitive trauma to the nail itself. Constant ‘tapping’ of an ill-fitting shoe for example can cause us to produce a thickened nail to protect the nail bed. There is no cure for a thickened nail, but they can be reduced in thickness and cut back to produce a and improved appearance and reduce the pressure on the nail bed itself, giving improved comfort.

Ingrowing Toenails

An ingrowing toenail is caused when the side of the nail pierce and grow into the surrounding skin, resulting in inflammation and pain. If left untreated an ingowing toenail can become infected and may need medication, in worst cases if the infection is not treated it can move to the bone (osteomyelitis) or even move through the body via the bloodstream. Treatment for an ingrowing toenail is to remove the nail spike that is piercing the skin. In severe cases, nail surgery may be advised.

Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes is a condition where the blood sugar in the body is too high. High blood sugar can cause damage to our nerves, particularly in the extremities of the body such as the feet, this is known as neuropathy. If neuropathy occurs it may mean that you might not feel damage to the foot/nails which can in turn cause infection and do not tend to heal as well in a diabetic person. Diabetic foot care involves a vascular and neurological assessment of the foot at every visit, as well as an overall foot health check.

Routine Maintenance

This is routine foot care to include cutting or trimming of nails and reduction of any hard skin. An overall assessment of the foot to ensure there is no other visible indications of a forthcoming foot problem.

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